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How Professionals Tackle Household Cleaning

Cleaning your whole home, whether it is a house or an apartment, requires time, energy, effort, alertness, knowledge, and most importantly – the right products and techniques! Lots of people spend days in cleaning two rooms, not because the time pressures them, but because they start from the last task and have to clean again after they finish. The problem is not that people are unaware of the proper ways to clean efficiently something, but they often need a push in the right direction to perform at their best. Other times, it’s just the time they lack, or simply – the will to begin. For every person, who cleans their own home – applause! But then, we think that we should share our tips and the reasons why professionals deal with the cleaning better, faster and more efficient!

Advice from the professionals

The first advice, straight from professionals’ methods is to organise the process. If necessary, you can make a list of every room and the respective cleaning activities. Make sure to always start from the ceiling and high wall corners and work your way through the floors in every room. Dusting and removing cobwebs should be the first things you do. Then, take care of the air vents, picture frames, shelves, radiators, light switches, handles, window sills, skirting boards and finish with carpets and floors. First remove dust, then polish furniture, because you don’t want to spread the dirt and you want sparkling results for your interior pieces and surfaces.

clean kitchen

The next helpful advice professionals have for you is to use the cleaning products wisely. You can forget about scrubbing if you do this simple trick. When you want to clean any surface, or, for example, the whole bathroom, first spray the surfaces with your cleaner and leave it this way for a while. You can dust other room, while waiting, or change the linen in your already cleaned ones, but make sure you wait at least thirty minutes for the product to start acting on the dirty surfaces. This way, when you start wiping, you will not need to scrub. Remember to start with the less dirty parts of the room and work your way to the dirtiest ones, because this way, the product will have enough time to act on the spots and grease.

Bending, when cleaning, is an inevitable activity, but is it really? You bend when you want to pick something from the floor, like the dirty clothes or socks, or dirty bed linen. Well, what if you don’t need to bend? Make sure you throw dirty clothes in the laundry basket right when you decide it’s time to wash them, never throw your dirty clothes on the floor. The same rule applies for bed linen – instead of throwing it on the floor when changing it, leave it on a chair. You will prevent bending and therefore – excessive movements, and you will save time!

If your whole family is engaged in the cleaning activities, this makes for a good opportunity to give them different tasks. For example, you can tell the kids to dust and spray surfaces, after that you can vacuum and wipe the surfaces. Having helpers makes it a lot easier and when one person does the same thing, they are more likely to get it done properly, in less time.

Tips from professionals

Here are some tips from professionals, which help them work their way through grease, dirt, dust and give more efficient end results all the time:

  • Play some music. As long as you don’t change the song every five minutes, music is a good way to let the cleaning become a more enjoyable activity. It definitely is a good way to lose track of time!
  • Make sure your phone is away from you! Distractions are one of the worst things that might occur while cleaning. Your phone is the most common distraction, not only when cleaning, but while you have another things to do as well. If you want to be faster and more efficient, turn off the sound of your phone and leave it anywhere in the house, but not in your pocket. Even if you do it once, you will notice the change.
  • When cleaning, first start with preparing the home environment for the cleaning procedures. Instead of rushing into dusting drapes, first make sure the surfaces around them are clutter-free. Take care of mail, books, magazines and any other type of clutter that doesn’t belong, or has to be thrown away. Pick dirty clothes, take care of clean ones and similar activities will help you clean faster, later when you get to the point.
  • The dishwasher is not a machine, which is used to wash kitchen ware only. Everything that is made of glass, metal or ceramic, can be put on the top rack and cleaned perfectly. Think again when running the dishwasher and put everything that can be cleaned in there, without second-guessing.
  • Clean wisely. Activities like wiping the kitchen countertops and throwing away the garbage, don’t necessarily need to be done when you clean the whole house. After all, you wipe the kitchen table and the working surfaces every day or two. And, you throw garbage when it needs to be thrown. So, save the time from doing these and similar activities and direct it in doing the others, less commonly done and requiring more attention.
  • Never neglect simple parts of your interior. Remote controls, handles, taps, light switches and similar objects and surfaces, touched every single day, are prone to accumulating the highest amounts of bacteria and germs, so make sure to wipe them regularly. Cleaning and disinfecting all of them will not take you more than 10 minutes at tops.
  • Use natural products as cleaning solutions: olive oil to polish wood; vinegar to clean windows, glass surfaces, mirrors, floors, tiles, taps, shower head, toilet, etc.; baking soda for deodorising different things like mattresses, soft furniture, shoes, etc.; use essential oils (most commonly tea tree, pine or lavender essential oils) for antibacterial powers and nice scent while and after you are done cleaning.
  • Clean with the right tools. Although an old cotton T-shirt is a good cleaning cloth, microfiber cloths are really well-received from cleaners worldwide. Old toothbrushes are also a great helping tool for the cleaning of cracks, tiny spaces and stains removal.